In their own words

Thank you for our session yesterday, it is much appreciated! I am feeling that  things are starting to shift nicely. Last night I did get a couple jolts around my head/neck and a mild tingling/lightness sensation but after felt like almost like I was being gently massaged! 


You are an incredibly powerful healer, I must say. Yesterday I noticed the arches have reappeared in my feet and cramps are gone. This morning my gut feels well, and the stye in my eyelid almost resolved! Between my sessions with you and Matt Kahn’s teachings (which I listen to repeatedly as suggested) I am feeling stronger, grounded, in my centre, elevated and expanded. Along with peaceful and inspired! 

Thank you, Nancy

Thank you for the most profound and important session yesterday. Thank you for taking all the time to help me see my repetitive pattern in a much deeper and more meaningful light.

Deep thanks and gratitude, Sandra 

I want to thank you for yesterday’s session; I can’t believe how much better I am feeling. My sinuses are less congested, my jaw, head and neck pain resolved and my gut is calm.

Amazing, as always! Laurie

Thank you so much, Joanna, for the wonderful session this morning, and for this reminder of my healing statements. I had not expected that our distance sessions would be as powerful as they are.  I'm surprised and so grateful. When I got up after the session I felt peaceful and strong and positive - the opposite of what I'd felt before we started. Blessings to you, Joanna, and my deepest gratitude.

Love, Janet 

I came to receiving remote sessions out of necessity even though I only live a short distance from Joanna. I have had both in person and remote sessions with Joanna and for me both have been life changing and provided substantial support. The remote sessions have worked brilliantly and allowed me the ability to receive Joanna’s healing support in the comfort of my own home. Sometimes I will coordinate the time with Joanna and lie quietly while Joanna is working and other times when I am not able to set aside the time I simply go about my day. In both instances I notice the lightness and ease that comes after one of Joanna’s sessions.

I am deeply grateful, Lea

I feel like a new person. I slept for 10 hours last night in the deepest sleep I've had ever I think. Whole new perspective today.

Thank you, Elizabeth

Bless you, I feel so much better, I can hardly believe the difference! I so appreciate your gifts, thank you.

With love and gratitude, Penelope

Thank you so much for these powerful sessions we've been having remotely.  I am very exited just how deep our remote work has been.


I want to thank you for yesterday’s session; I can’t believe how much better I am feeling. My sinuses are less congested, my jaw, head and neck pain resolved and my gut is calm.

Amazing, as always! Lori

Far and above Joanna's website listed services, the overarching fact is that she is a masterful intuitive, empath and healer. Joanna uses her gifts on a practical level as well as within the quantum realms to swiftly identify the root essence of what is needing resolution for her clients.

Thank you, April

I absolutely have felt a massive shift since seeing you and it's been wonderful.

Kris, Paris

I feel so much better. My stomach has settled down and I'm not feeling frumpy today.

Thank you for all you do, Irina

Thank you so much! I can't even explain how I felt today and right now reading this. I sat and stared out my window during the healing but also wrote a few pages of my "wish list" for myself. I am realizing a lot about myself and you mentioned a lot of the same things. Same thing happened last time. I feel more at peace now and am very thankful to have the affirmations. I actually understand now how I have been blocking myself from having what I wanted..or at least thought I wanted. I have been my own obstacle and I know I will be reading this over and over as everything continues to sink in. I can't thank you enough for everything!!

Joanne, Alberta

Your constant support and guidance gives me huge strength. Thank you!

Sarah, Vancouver, BC

I want to thank you for the tremendous difference you have made to my life. I was very surprised when during the session I felt a very strong physical shift in my body. During the following month I found myself in a situation that would normally cause great anxiety, it was in a meeting with many other people. I was participating but with a sense of calm and no fear at all; even when I had to get up and talk in front of everyone. I have never felt that way in similar situations. After 50 years I am completely at ease with forgiving quite traumatic wrongs done to me in my childhood. Again this is a feeling that I could never imagine having before our session. Thank you so much, I look forward to continuing my journey with you

Kind regards, Bernadette

You are a very gifted healer and I am grateful for our sessions they have had a huge impact on me.

Leah, Vancouver, BC

Just wanted to thank you again for seeing Keith on such short notice. I can see and feel the difference in his energy already. He has a lightness in him that I have not seen in weeks. He took me for brunch and ate a meal without complaining about bloating or pain!! Honestly, thank you does not cover my gratitude.

With thanks, Nancy

Since seeing you last Thursday I have been peaceful and calm. Thank you so very much. The agitation and fear are gone! What a difference this is making, thank you, truly.

Richard, Vancouver

My frozen shoulder was so bad that I had to sell my car (standard) and get an automatic. I could live with that, but it was the inability to ride my bike that hurt. The doctors said it could take six to eight months to heal – or longer. After one session with Joanna I could move my arm without pain; I went for a bike ride that evening! I wondered what else she could do for me…. well, it’s a year later and I can honestly say that I have never felt better in my life (physically and emotionally). The energy work she does through pranic healing, Reiki, Body Talk (and the many other modalities she has trained in) is amazing. Words cannot begin to express my gratitude. Joanna is an amazingly gifted healer who truly cares about her clients.

Kathleen B., Ladner, BC

I have deep rooted anxiety issues which had begun to paralyze me. I first experienced Joanna’s work through distant healing sessions. During my last distant session the energy was palpable. Joanna has a deep knowledge and skill that goes beyond mere training – an intuitive awareness not found every day.  Joanna recognized and cleared many blocks which have helped my mental, emotional and physical well-being. These blocks are old and Joanna has shown me they must be cleared until there are no roots left to sprout. I have also been to see Joanna and continued my healing in person. Through BodyTalk she was able to pick up on physical issues affecting my body which I had refused to acknowledge. Joanna has helped me on the road to healing. Over the last year I have begun to do things which not very long ago would have been impossible because of my anxiety. As I've done these things I look for the anxiety, wondering why it isn't choking me and I see it, on the edge of my mind but there is something keeping it at bay. I am stronger now.

Nora Butler, Kamloops, BC

Thanks for your healing – it totally helped me and is continuing to heal me. I've taken your suggestions of affirmations to body and heart; that holding place at the back of my ribs is all but gone, so thank you.

L.S, Toronto, ON

I have found that my jaw isn’t as tight as it usually is and I seem to be sleeping a lot better without waking up at night. All in all, it seems like the treatment has given me a lot more energy and I am not tired when I wake up in the morning. I’m feeling great.

Laurence T.

Joanna is a caring and genuine person who shows incredible compassion and empathy. Her ability to get to the heart of the matter is amazing. She seems to have an intuitive sense of what is ailing her clients – both physically and emotionally. I always feel better after a session with Joanna.

Mark, Langley, BC

I first saw Joanna almost 20 years ago. She is talented healer who devotes herself to her client's well-being.

Martin R McKinley 

I wanted to tell you how totally fabulous I feel. I got up today did tons of work, paid all my bills, and I feel like I'm taking charge. Wow! The difference is incredible.


I feel so ‘light’ compared to before. Before I felt like I was 'carrying' my weight around. Now my body seems to be holding itself up. I have so much more energy and am more motivated as a whole.

Kathleen G., Surrey, BC.

After I left you I was very clear headed and somewhat euphoric, like I just had a very powerful breathing session. My thoughts were not the usual busy, logical, analytical type – simply a mellow state of being. This really put me in touch with my heart.


I have been feeling so well since our session - happy and light. I cannot thank you enough. The work we did ties in with what I am working on with my therapist and I am so grateful.


Everything has vastly improved. Thanks so much. And sleeping soundly is a side benefit!


On Sunday, I felt so light, I rearranged my living space so it would work better for me and I had energy to do some things that I had been putting off. 


My attitude has shifted 180 degrees since we first started. I am grateful to have found you.


I can't believe what a good day I had today. I haven't had a good day like that in years it seems. Work was work like usual, but I was able to get through it with this great feeling that I was truly OK and protected.


My first impression of Joanna was that she is a very present, attentive, and perceptive practitioner. Our session left me feeling relaxed and clear. Thank you, Joanna.

M.L., New York, NY

Thanks again for a wonderful session I woke at 4am this morning crying and laughing with joy.
I have felt so different since our session.

The clearing and protecting work helped immensely on the weekend. I felt the protection.
I was not even able to be angry. My thoughts and feelings were able to be cleared immediately.

SB, Vancouver, BC

During my last distant session the energy was palpable. Joanna has a deep knowledge and skill that goes beyond mere training – an intuitive awareness not found every day.