Meditation and visualization for healing

Meditation is a simple but profound breathing exercise that has been practiced for millennia. It is increasingly recognized by modern science for its health benefits.

To meditate is to bring the ancient and modern worlds together. It is to pause the mind in order to bring calm, wellbeing and focus into our stressful, fast-paced lives. Anyone can benefit from the practice.

Creative visualization techniques are similar to guided meditation, as it is important to clear your mind of extraneous thoughts and concentrate on the guided imagery.

When you can visualize – feel, sense and imagine – you can find inner peace. Your stresses melt away, and you feel strengthened and empowered.

It is an important part of the process of spiritual development because, after a while, you move away from your chattering mind and into your heart center. When you connect with your heart center, you will find peace.

I tell my clients that the basis of meditation and visualization is unity – the realization that mind and body are one, and that by switching gears from ordinary thought into these meditative techniques, we can improve our physical and mental abilities, health, and general well-being.

Using these ancient techniques, you soon realize that the peace and well-being you have been chasing after were inside you all along. This is the starting point from which the remarkable benefits of meditation originate, and from which we can be at one with the fundamental Source, the pure energy around us. Meditative consciousness is the technique we use to access energy itself, the basis of physical health and the driving force behind the creative mind.

The Law of Life Energy states that in order for life to exist, a prana, chi, or life-force energy must be present. The Law of Self-Recovery holds that the human body is naturally resilient and, generally speaking, can heal itself. True health is a state of consciousness. Through regular meditation, it is possible to harness the life-force energy that exists within each of us, and begin the process of natural self-recovery.

The earliest written references to meditation are 2,500 years old, but it arguably pre-dates writing. It’s the Western scientific acceptance of these practices that has brought meditation into the mainstream.

Medical research shows that meditative techniques can reverse the debilitating effects of stress, slowing the heart rate and breathing, and bring down blood pressure. The body slows down production of the stress chemical cortisol, the brain ages at a slower rate, and the immune function improves. Neuroscientists have mapped mental changes the meditative state of mind brings: brain activity becomes calmer, moving into an alpha state, a level of consciousness that promotes healing. This can help decrease the negative outcomes of stress, mild depression and anxiety.

Meditation might feel daunting at first, but as an energy healer with extensive experience in the field, I can guide you through the blocks and apprehension, leading you to a deeper appreciation of your own existence. With guidance and encouragement, meditation is something that each and every one of us can do!

Creative visualization is a relaxation technique that leaves the participant feeling rejuvenated, and at the same time it can have long-term results. It overcomes some of the negative stories we tell ourselves – replaced by joy and simplicity, and the realization that these attributes lie within easy reach during day-to-day life.

Meditation and creative visualization are subtle practices that can bring long-lasting results. Contact me to see how to bring these changes about in your life.

Body, Mind and Soul
Using these ancient techniques, you soon realize that the peace and well-being you have been chasing after were inside you all along. This is the starting point from which the remarkable benefits of meditation originate, and from which we can be at one with the fundamental Source, the pure energy around us.
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  • My first impression of Joanna was that she is a very present, attentive, and perceptive practitioner. Our session left me feeling relaxed and clear. Thank you, Joanna.
  • Thanks again for a wonderful session. I woke at 4am this morning crying and laughing with joy. I have felt so different since our session.
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